Welcome to Islamic Circle Of Japan
Inspiring Islamic Values in Land of Rising Sun
Our Halqa’s
A halaqa is a religious gathering or meeting for the study of Islam and the Quran.
Our Masjid’s
A mosque is a place of worship for Muslims. Any act of worship that follows the
Our Workgroups
Muslims accept five primary obligations in life, commonly called the Five Pillars of Islam.
Dear Members of the ICOJ
Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu
Alhamdulillah, today, the first Shura committee meeting of the year 2022-23 was held at the Bab-ul-Islam Masjid in which the active participation of all the committee members played a pivotal role in completing the program in the best possible manner for which I earnestly plead with Allah (swt) to accept their time and effort, and bless their Hereafter. Aameen.
Officials appointed for various central positions of ICOJ are as listed below:
Secretary General
Assistant Secretary
Vice Presidents
Other Shura committee members
May Allah (swt) grant these brothers perseverance and help them to fulfill their responsibilities in the finest possible way. Aameen.
Assalamu alaikum.
Secretary General,
Islamic Circle of Japan
Expansion Project
Hira Masjid Gyotoku
Upcoming Event
Grand Islamic Gathering with
Chicago Imams
“Invite to the path of your Lord with wisdom and good advice”
Masajid under management of
Islamic Circle of Japan
Stay in Touch
Our Contacts
Ph: +81-3-3871-6061
Fax: +81-3-3871-6062
9.00 am – 6.00 pm